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No New Posts The Spires

The spires of the Weyr, hollowed formations of rock that burst from the oceans depths and reach up as though to grasp the skies, vary in size, height, and distance all depending on their purpose. The largest, and central one, is roughly the width of a Green's wingspan at the top. Unlike most of the others, this formation has a wide, bowl-like mouth, that narrows as it dips back into the water, and them flares again as it nears the base. This is the water source of the Weyr, collecting rainwater and funneling it down into the reservoir. The odd, flared top keeps seawater from splashing in during all but the very worst of storms, and so protects the Weyr's water from contamination.

Surrounding this, approximately one to three dragon lengths away on random directions, are narrower spires, these hollowed as well. These smaller ones are no larger than the arm span on a man, from fingertip-to-fingertip. These collect two things for the Weyr: air and light. Clean air blows down through the shafts and into the Weyr through complex ventilation system. Stale air is forced out as clean air sweeps through, the fouled air going to one of several places. The first being the plants, feeding off the carbon dioxide emitted by the humans. The second is some of the dragons will occasionally fill their lung with the used air and diving, to expel it in the ocean. The third being that the used air flows up through the central spire, and water source, being the largest space. As for lighting, the air tunnels are lined with reflective metals, secured in the rock itself. These are cleaned by firelizards who are often attracted to the shiny surfaces, and so clean them for no reason other than to keep the surfaces pretty. Light bounces off of these, traveling down and into the Weyr. From there, more reflective plates of metal are kept clean and directed as desired. Moonlight is also transferred down this way, offering little light, but added to the faintly glowing fungus of the Weyr, it provides enough to see by during night explor

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts The Hatching Pool

The Hatching Pool is one of the hardest to reach places, as they are only two ways in. The first way is to go via dragon, if you are a rider, and to make your way through a long and complex maze of tunnels with hopes of not getting lost, to surface in an underwater cavern with a large pool of heated water in the center. Surrounding the Hatching Pool is a sort of lining stone and a walkway. Where it divides the seawater from heated pool, it is narrowest. It widens as it curves around to reach the walls, where seating is carved into the stone. The second entrance is used by the candidates, and a few others. A narrow path winding down from the bowl. The pool is large enough that three Siryns, or if they are all very social, four, may be present at one time, and have clutches. The pool is not deep, in fact most candidates can stand and be no more than waist deep, the waters are not scalding but warm enough to keep the eggs incubated.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts The Reservoir

The reservoir consists of a deep pool, with high sides easily standing higher than a Gold, that is filled with water collected through storms. This water undergoes many different processes all depending on what the intended use will be. Pipes run from this bowl underground: one pipe taking water deep into the earth (where the same magma which keeps the hatching sands warm) boils the water and purifies it making it drinkable. Another series of pipes run to the bathing pools, which are drained and replaced daily, the water tepid or lukewarm. These are located a short distance from the Hatching Pool, and are kept slightly cooler by their distance from the main source of heat in the Weyr. Still, another set of pipes carries water to the agricultures fields, which are directly beside the reservoir, to keep the plants alive. The reservoir is a source of life for Atlanopolis Weyr and, without it, the Weyr would not survive.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts Agriculture Fields

The agriculture fields, the main source of plant life for the Weyr, are not fashioned in the manner most would think. To make the most use of space, the fields are terraced, flat plots carved into the slope all the way around the reservoir. The majority of plants are edible, though a few are for resources. Cottons and hemp are both heavily favored, one for its use in making clothing, the other to make rope for the fishing nets. Leafy greens, being easier to grow than some others, make many appearances in the diet, while no citrus can be grown and the only way to get any is if one of the dragons come across it while they are out and about. Drudges and candidates constantly tend to these fields, and the place is never without some occupant or another.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts The Bowl

At the base of the slopes which form the reservoir wall and the agricultural plots is another large pool of water, this one of saltwater. The dragons use this as a sort of weyrbowl, as the surface is wide enough that several may be present, and it widens as it travels down, into a cavernous bowl where many of the Weyr may socialize. This also acts as a main entrance of sorts, and a path to the weyrs. There are seven paths branching from the weyrbowl, modified when the dragons started to show their mutations. The paths are wide, enough so that even the Megaloadin may pass, though he may find a tight squeeze. The bottom and center, of these paths is filled with water, so the Tcathlus may pass as well and enter the weyrs of their riders. Not all dragons choose to sleep in weyrs, some preferring to slumber in water or in the bowl. The paths are one-way for the dragons, and at the end of each is a smaller exit, which is where the Megaloadin will have to be careful of getting stuck. These tunnels lead back out of the Weyr, and are not for entering.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts The Balconies

Just off from the fields and the reservoir, there are flights of stairs leading to a second and third floor of the Weyr. These areas are obviously not meant for the dragons, but a good chunk of the Weyr's inhabitants do reside on these higher reaches. The kitchens, infirmary, drudge quarters, and candidate barracks are all found on the second floor of the baclonies.
The third floor is entirely open, not divided into separate rooms or areas. Tables line the walls, with the center left clear. This is used for special events, and celebrations, though it is left open for everyday use during meals.
Only the Weyrling barracks are located on the first floor, and remarkably hard to find as is. The main entrance is hidden behind a cluster of rocks, as it too is a more recent addition. The entrance is along the far north wall, with a staircase of stone leading down to a large room. This room is lined on one side by a pool of water, and on the other by the weyrling's beds. The pool of water empties out to the same larger tunnel which adult dragons use to come and go from the Weyr. A large patch of seagrass acts as a sort of curtain, discouraging any nosey sea creatures from poking in just before you get to the outside of the Weyr and into the open seas.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts The Reefs

The Siryns of the Weyr often find themselves spending the majority of their time, when not searching for candidates, here with several body guards to search for sea shells for the Hatching Pool. The reefs abound in plant life as well as various, and numerous, aquatic life, and it paints quite the serene picture. Dragons come here to relax and get away from the Weyr, to sleep underneath the massive walls of coral and hunt for themselves and, occasionally, their Mines.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts Open Sea

These are the waters that reach out far beyond the territory of Atlanopolis Weyr. Sevrills often patrol these areas along with a few Makois to ensure the safety of the Weyr and to make certain it is not discovered. The ruins of old ships are discarded along the bottom of the ocean floor from preventive methods meant with the good of the Weyr in mind. The waters are warm for their location on Pern, and life is abundant under the surface of the water.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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No New Posts Flights

Here the female dragons of Atlanopolis Weyr may Rise. Try to keep the content PG 13 unless noted otherwise, and you may request a private board or use PM if things become too heated. The player of the Siryn is in control of the Flight, so males, don't try and take charge.

Moderators: Lyrikitty, Onyxaeon

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Atlanopolis Weyr

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Atlanopolis Weyr
Atlanopolis Weyr is located centrally underwater, nestled safely inbetween the tropic of cancer and the equater. The spires that jut out from the water's surface are the only entrance into the Weyr aside from the far deeper, undersea openings, though no dragon of the air could ever survive the pressure exherted by the ocean at that depth. Furthermore, the spires themselves are so well disguised and small that it is questionable that one could ever find this entirely self sufficient Weyr. It is the former escape route from old Ista Weyr and, if one truly bothered, the tunnels could be excavated to lead one straight back to the island Weyr of so many turns ago.
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